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Y.O.U.  Multi-Use Center

Client  Youth Opportunities Unlimited - Not for Profit Organization helping homeless youth in need of assistance

Location Old East Villiage, London ON

Size 50, 000 sqft

Objective Y.O.U (Youth Opportunity Unlimited) would like to expand their supportive housing portfolio by developing additional affordable housing for youth at-risk of homelessness. The goal of the housing project is to address homelessness issues in the community while offering a supportive and integrated program focused on healthcare, poverty reduction, employment/education and lifespan coaching.

Design Challenge Y.O.U would like to incorporate ‘suite -style’ living because it allows for interaction between tenants and helps build a sense of community where tenants can help each other. The building will also house two supportive partner agencies and Y.O.U’s administrative and career services staff team and an employment resource center. The facility will be located in London’s Old East Village, thus it will be important to maintain the qualities of a heritage community while creating a unique facility that will attract the public.

Solution Inspiration was drawn from the basic shape of a house and how this shape is universally associated with a home. This simple geometric symbol creates a conversation and feelings of safety, comfort, support, and shelter, all things I wanted my design to emulate.  I wanted the interior of the building to make the at-risk youth feel like they now have a home and a community that supports them. To achieve this aesthetically, the building  brings the outside in by designing an interior “street scape”. Using sidewalks, garden space, natural light and most importantly the repetition constructed reflecting the house symbol when you walk through the main central hub harmonizes my concept. My designs overall concept statement "creating your community within the community" sends a message to the rest of the visitors to the center what Youth Opportunities Unlimited is about and that homeless at-risk youth is an ongoing problem and should be brought to London’s attention without stigmatizing the youth participants. 

Spaces Introduced Community garden, commercial teaching kitchen, produce store, thrift store, food-truck restaurant and patio, employment resource center, office spaces, staff lounge, rentable space, rooftop patio, drop-in center, six bedroom shared suite apartments, one bedroom, one bedroom plus den and two bedroom rentable units. 

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